The Idolatry of Stuff

Luke 5:1-11 tells a story of how Jesus called some of His disciples. The story features fishermen whose livelihood came from catching and selling fish and they had worked hard all night to catch some fish but were unsuccessful. Jesus came along and told them where to cast their nets and though they were tired […]

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We All Need Saving, Part 1

‘…for “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.”’ (Rom. 10:13) Christians talk a lot about ‘salvation’ and being saved. In fact, you would probably fall short of authentic Christianity without addressing the need to be saved. I wonder though, do we really know what we are trying to escape, or […]

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Poem: Breakthrough

“Trouble isn’t necessarily a sign of sin in our lives. It may be something God allows us to go through to draw us closer to Him.” Trouble isn’t necessarily a sign of sin in our lives But when we focus on the trouble it could blind us from seeing the bigger picture Like a traveller […]

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‘…holding fast to the head, from whom the entire body, being supplied and held together by the joints and ligaments, grows with a growth which is from God.’ (Col. 2:19, emphasis added) To be honest, the context of the above text is more closely related with our previous post ‘Body Parts‘, but while reading the […]

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