I heard a statement at church today that got me thinking: “Faith is a fight”.

A fight indicates that there is a certain struggle or contest to overcome.

I can’t even begin to number the amount of times where I literally had to hold on to faith. The numerous times, when I thought how will I make it? How will I get there? Can God come through this time, like every other time?

I remember when I was in 6th form an applying to go to uni, it seemed it would never happen. Although I was doing well in my A-levels, I didn’t pass my maths GCSE exams and I needed this to be able to go to all the unis I had offers from. I decided to take my maths exams again, I failed the first time and failed the second time. It was really devastating and I nearly gave up hope. I only had one attempt left. I went to a service at church where we were told to believe God to do what seemed impossible. I prayed earnestly and decided to have faith in God’s ability not mine. I went for my last attempt. When I first received my results, I was told I didn’t pass. I knew that couldn’t be right. I sent the papers back and when it was checked I had passed. This is how I made it to uni. Hallelujah, God is faithful.

1 Timothy 6:12

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.

The bible is packed with examples of men and women who fought the good fight of faith until they obtained the promises of God.

Abraham is often used as a classic example of this, see Romans 4: 18-21.

Here’s a brief synopsis of Abraham’s situation. God had promised to make Abraham a father of nations, yet he had no child of his own and he was now 100 years old, yes 100. Sarah his wife was 90 yrs old. I mean if that is not an hopeless situation I don’t know what is. However, it was the fight of faith that led to the fulfilment of Gods promise.

Romans 4: 19 says” And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb.

What to take from here is that , He considered not his or Sarah’s body. Don’t consider the situation or the mountain in front of you, because God is more than able.

Verse 21 of that same passage says: And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.

Be fully persuaded! Believe totally that God is able.

I think we sometimes almost reduce the power of the scriptures, by reading them as mere stories, not realising the tremendous power the word carries.

Whatever situation is standing before you, whether an exam, a job interview, a health challenge, a troubled marriage, fight the good fight of faith and watch what God is going to do.

Guest Contributor – Alessandra Oyeloba

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