I remember my early days when I gave my life to Christ, I was overjoyed because I began to see my FAITH in a different way. No longer did I feel condemned to the Law. I knew I just started a new relationship. I would go around proudly identifying myself as a Christian. But with JUSTIFICATION comes SANCTIFICATION. I began to realise how conformed I was to the ways of the world and that there were things I had to learn (through the holy spirit) and things I had to let go in order to be a true FOLLOWER of Christ.

Renewed Minds

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

– Romans 12:2

What do you see when you look at your walk with Christ?

Apostle Pauls calls on us not to be conformed to the ways of the word but be transformed by the renewal of our minds. For we have once for all time been justified through Jesus Christ; no longer are we slaves to our old self but now Children of God and joint-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17).

The renewing of our minds is a sanctification process we are called to take as followers of Christ. Without this, we fail to understand and realise God’s perfect Will over our lives. We fail to live out the Christian life which God set apart for us. Here are a few ways to live the Christian life through the renewal of your mind and I have specified them through the word “CHRISTIAN”.

Cling to Love

As I have loved you, so you must love one another – John 13:35

What does it mean for you to Love? Do we love people or do we just focus on loving ourselves only? Jesus is calling us to LOVE just like the way He showed love to us; by laying down His life in place of ours. As Christian, lets always be encouraged to love one another just as Christ first loved us. Without having the love of God in our heart, we fail the first hurdle becoming a true follower and disciple of Christ.

Humble yourself

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth – Matthew 5:5

When we humble ourselves before God and others, we step down from the personal throne (ego) that very often leads to destruction (selfishness and vanity). With a humble and a meek spirit, we are able to see God work in our lives. Let’s also be reminded to value others above yourselves (Philippians 2:3).

Rejoice always

Life before accepting Christ is hard. Life after accepting Christ as our SAVIOUR is harder. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life (Matthew 7:14). This is why as Christians we are called to rejoice in Hope (Romans 12:12). Life may get us down or things may not be working out as we planned but with God on our side, we can always rejoice in Hope; knowing He has overcome it all.

Imitate Christ

Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ – 1 Corinthians 11:1

If we say we believe in Jesus and love Him the way we ought to, we also must imitate and walk in the same manner as Apostle Paul advised. Just as a little boy would imitate is father’s ways and conducts, lets be encouraged to follow the footsteps of Jesus. In every situation, challenge yourself with this question; What does Jesus expects me to do?

Serve the Lord

Do not slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord – Romans 12:11

How is your attitude towards things concerning God? For God does not favour those who are lagging in diligence especially with things concerning His Will. Therefore let’s be reminded to always serve the Lord with all our desires. This is a personal challenge for me and I believe it is for most of us too. But His Grace is sufficient so let us stay encouraged as we work to accomplish His Will over your lives.

Take Heart in Tribulation

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven – Matthew 5:10

We are called as Christians to pick up the cross and follow Jesus (Matthew 16:24). This means we face getting laughed at, mocked or even persecuted for following Christ. But take heart, knowing your reward is in Heaven. God sees and He is with you.

Indulge in Hospitality

Contribute to the need of the saints and seek to show hospitality – Romans 12:13

A true follower of Jesus seeks to be kind to one another; showing love through giving and hospitality. By being open and welcoming towards people rather than being hostile, we show the perfect example of what the GOSPEL of Jesus is all about.

Avenge no one

Sometimes we tend to take matters into our own hands when someone does wrong against us. However let’s be encouraged to leave it to God and not overcome evil with evil. He is the one true Judge and His Sovereignty will prevail. Instead of taking revenge, aim to pursue peace and things by which one may edify another (Romans 14:19).

Never stop Praying

Pray without ceasing – 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Prayer is one of the most vital parts of the Christian life. Without prayer, it is impossible to have a relationship with Christ. No matter what you are going through right now or waiting for, never stop praying to God. Be steadfast and the Lord will hear you.


Back to the question asked before; What do you see when you look at your walk with Christ right now?

“Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting”

– Psalm 139:24


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