If we say Christmas is about trees,
I would assume we were talking about the one which He was hung upon,
Accursed to save you and me…

If we say Christmas is about gifts and presents,
I would think we imply how God graced us with His presence,
Forgiveness through Jesus Christ, and knowing Him: eternal life…

If we say Christmas is about family,
I would interrupt to confirm we meant His adoption of rebels,
‘Cause when the dust settled, we were named His after Calvary…

If we conclude then, that Christmas is about love,
Oh yes, it would be my pleasure to agree!
After all, what else could move a blameless man to die for a wretch like me?

Why be so caught up with decorating a tree, when you could ponder how the Creator of life put on flesh, just to relate to you and me, and to show us we’re not alone?

Why be so occupied about gifts and presents,
When He promises you His treasures, and better yet, Himself as your inheritance,
If you would let Him make your hearts His home?

I think if we got over the novelty of nativity scenes, then we would see; It isn’t all as it seems.
How else could you explain how quickly we glance over GOD BECOMING A BABY?
Becoming like us just so He could die in our place, pay for OUR sin, with HIS grace? Crazy.

But perhaps these things are too lofty to think about while munching on chicken and chilling out…
Perhaps I’ll just see it as a celebration of God’s Son’s birthday and remember He was born for my sake,
And look past the new games console and flashing lights,
Past the hand-knitted scarfs and hearty laughs,
Past this custard and cake I have on my plate,
Past the sea of snacks and luscious food,
And add thanksgiving to my merry mood;
And hope and pray, that God would make me understand all this a lot better someday.
Ah yes, I’ll hope and I’ll pray… Who knows, maybe even today.

(This is an excerpt from my latest book, ‘May The Meditations of My Heart…’ which is out now and available for purchase in paperback or eBook from Amazon and the iBooks store)

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