“So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well

Matthew 6:31-33

Seek first the kingdom of God and everything shall be added onto you

Got to keep my mind focused

Because greatness is coming

And that’s what He is planning to do

No time for games

Locking off distraction

Even temptation best believe it’s a sign out!

Will it make me stronger?

Without a doubt

Only make me greater

Is what it’s all about!

Is greatness coming from the right?

I’m getting there even if it gonna be a fight.

Is greatness coming from the left?

I will put in my faith and pass Gods test.

Is greatness just ahead

Put on the armour

Because its gonna be a war

Holding myself back not anymore!

 In life, we sometimes get preoccupied by what we could see right in front of us. Our jobs, studies, money, relationship take center stage of our lives. We get consumed by feeding the demand of what the world requires of us and get into the routine of making sure they are met. And when they are not met, we fall into the habit of worrying. And when we worry, what we are trying to say is that what we see right in front of us is BIGGER  than God.

Is this speaking to you?

Let this be a little encouragement for you to take today as you continue into the new year to put Gods Kingdom FIRST over everything else. Seek after His face diligently and do not stir away from His presence. With the new year comes new seasons, new breakthroughs and greatness lies ahead for you. Keep your mind focused on God and everything shall be added onto you.

Remember every new day we get is a step closer to our VICTORY!

Poem by HerThoughts

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