“You will seek Me and find me, when you seek Me with all your heart.” – Jeremiah 29:13

Imagine if you had it all. This is often called the good life. Access to whatever the world could offer: a good job, friends, entertainment, money and a balanced healthy life. This man was on that path; he goes by the name Tony. At a very young age, he focused on making sure he took every opportunity the world could offer. He studied for his degree and got the job he always wanted. Over time money became a non-issue, and so did access to all the things money could buy. He bought the nice house, drove the expensive cars, and went on beautiful resorts. He was living ‘the good life’.

On one fateful morning he rose out of bed with the thought of something missing. With all he had made of himself, there was a greater need in his heart. So he went out searching for this final piece of fulfilment. He travelled all over the world seeking anything and everything to fill this emptiness in his soul. A year passed on and he returned home in the same way that he left, unfulfilled and empty. On his return to his house, making his way to his front door he sees a sealed letter addressed to him. This was no usual letter. It felt very antique and something that would have been written thousands of years ago. Disclosed in the letter was a key and a map to a hidden treasure. What was promised in the treasure was the Gift of Life, True Joy, Peace and Fulfilment.

So from that very moment, He set himself on a journey to search for the ultimate treasure.

On the first day, he steps out with great excitement; “finally, I will  be complete and made whole again”. But little did he know that the route to finding the treasure was on a narrow path, and no cars or bikes could be used to go through it. He wasn’t happy about this. All he wanted was the treasure but at that very moment he turned around and went back home. Full of pride, he decided not to seek this treasure anymore. He disregarded his need and its importance, reminding himself of all he had accomplished. “I’m a man of many achievements. I don’t need this treasure”.

Days passed by and Tony realised he needed this treasure more than his pride. He realised that he had to humble himself to receive the gift and promises the treasure had to offer. He then set himself out for the second time to find it. On route to the path he once walked away from, he stumbled upon a few of his friends. He saw that they weren’t on the same path as he was. But whilst they were there, he thought to pay them a little visit. While this started out as a simple ‘hello’, he didn’t anticipate what would unfold. Before he knew it, he was back to where he started from; his comfort zone,  indulging in his wealth and riches. His heart was not fully dedicated to finding this treasure.

Days and weeks passed by and Tony was back again where he first started. He then decided to try again. This time around, he accepted that he had to dedicate his whole heart to this walk. He sets himself out on the narrow path. He had thoughts of going back but he rebuffed them and carried on. The path was long and tiring, so he took breaks when he needed to rest.

On the third day of his quest, he decided to take his usual break, yet all of a sudden a great cloud came over him. It brought with it showers and thundering he’d never witnessed before. So he decided to run forward with the hope that the storm would go away. But the more he ran forward, the more obstacles he faced from this great storm. He looked back and saw that behind him was clear, bright blue skies. For a split second Tony thought; ‘it’d be nice to go back rather than face this challenge’. But he persevered and carried on. The drench from the storm began to slow him down. From running to walking and then to a halt. He stood with his eyes closed gasping for air, with the thoughts of finally finding the treasure. Before he knew it, the rain began to cease and clouds began to clear, and a bright light began to shine before him. He opened his eyes and there it was, the treasure right in front of him. What was promised was revealed.

“As a man searches for gold and treasures in hidden places, so are we to search and seek for God with all that we have.”

Is God your Ultimate Treasure?

When we seek after God, do we aim to seek Him aright? Do we chase after Him with all our might and place Him as the ultimate treasure in our lives? God promised that “if you seek Him, He will be found by you”. (1 Chronicles 28:9).

Before we are able to seek God aright, we are required to give ALL that we have. We are to count everything as loss in order to be found in Him (Philippians 3:8-10). God isn’t asking for perfection because only HE is perfect (Psalm 18:30). What he wants is for us is to humbly seek Him. With a true and sincere heart; full of integrity and perseverance to reach the end.

Therefore I want to encourage you today to seek God wholeheartedly with all that is in you. Just as Tony realised that he had to humble himself and set his heart solely on finding the hidden treasure, let’s be determined in this same manner to set our hearts towards God. Let’s put aside all distractions in our mind and fix our thoughts on God alone.

In this day and age, we can often be preoccupied with many things. Our jobs, education, technologies, the media, etc. But let’s make a conscious effort to put God first in everything that we do, making Him the ultimate and supreme treasure of our hearts. Let’s be encouraged to press on and not give up on finding Him. He is near to us, but we have to draw near to Him.

Personal Question

Am I comfortably seeking after God?

What are the obstacles in my life right now that are distracting me from seeking God aright?


God direct our hearts to you alone, O Lord. Help us to humbly seek Your face with steadfastness and integrity. Grant us Your grace and mercy and hear our voice, O Lord, as we call upon Your name whilst You are near. Draw closer to us as we draw closer to You. Amen.

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