Do you ever feel like there is no way things could get better than the current situation you are facing right now? Maybe you were looking to God for an answer but still after months and months of fasting and praying, you didn’t receive the answer you were waiting on.

It’s been almost a year now since my family and I moved into our new house, which till this day we regard as a true blessing and favour from God. Rewind exactly 12 months ago and we were faced with a much more frightening situation. We were informed by our landlord about 3 months prior to our renewal date that our contract wasn’t going to be renewed meaning we had to look for a new place by the end of July 2015. Not only was this a shock to us that we were going to leave the place we finally called home, but also the fact that we were aware of the competitiveness of the renting market. We began doing all we could in our own strength to get a new place. The first rejection came and we moved on with hope. And then the second, but this time around we were not as downhearted as it felt like a mutual decision. After a while it then became the norm. Rejection after rejection. Hope deferred makes the heart sick (Proverbs 13:12). At this time, we were well over the contract terms, things were looking desperate and so we began to look at places that didn’t fit our criteria. Pressure from our Landlord and agent started to grow; it felt like all hope seemed lost.

But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. – 2 Peter3:8

Seeing the world we live in, waiting sometimes could be a hurtful experience to go through. For a lot of us, we have such an easy access to things that satisfy our needs and wants that we all of a sudden develop the habit of impatience.

When you go to God with your prayers, do you have the patience to wait on Him?

Weeks passed by but to no prevail. Until one day during our regular online searches a property popped up which we felt was too good to be true. It ticked all the boxes. It seemed like we were pushing above our weight on this one but due to our desperate circumstances, we decided to give the agent a call. The call only lasted less than a minute as we were told the property was still on the market. Within days we paid a visit to the property, had a successful interview with the landlord and the keys were handed to us with no complication whatsoever.

God has given you and I a PROMISE that cannot be broken.

When we are faced with unforeseen situations and challenges in life, it may sometimes feel like there is no hope left in us to bear or to carry on. But I want to encourage you today that with God all things are possible. His promises over our life cannot be broken. He knows what you are going through and He has a plan for your life. The God that we serve is Faithful; He will not let us be tried beyond what we are able to bear (1 Corinthians 10:13)

My family and I never saw the bigger picture of what we were going through. We focused on what we couldn’t change (our rejections) and not on what we could change (our Hope in God). Little did we know that God was preserving a place for us that would surpass all that we wanted. The wait was part of His plans. The rejections were the temporary disappointment that were necessary to get the ultimate good GOD had set for us.

Are you going through temporary disappointment(s) right now?

Be encouraged that this is a season you are passing through to get to where God wants you to be. Nothing you are going through right now is permanent. Don’t give up the faith because all things works together for your good (Romans 8:28). His master plan for you will come to pass. Do not be overwhelmed if you feel like you will never make it or you will never see the breakthrough you have longed for in your life. Give Him all your cares and disappointment(s) and He will turn things around in His perfect timing.

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” – Matthew 11:28-29.


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