1 Cor. 2:2 – ‘…For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.’ (NASB)

Come and contemplate the crucial nature of the cross;
His holy wrath is hastening, and at His judgment, humanity is at a loss.
Reason now, though un-righteous with sins as red as a rose,
Imputation of His righteousness makes us impeccably white as snow—
Sanctified—set apart—to Serve Him and to speak
The truth in love; He died for both the tumultuous and the meek.

The crux of the crucible is Christ crucified for you to be free;
His humility has healed us from the havoc caused by our heinous deeds.
Now redemption received, relationship restored; we revere and revel in our risen Lord.
Intimately thought of, intricately planned; we rest inseparably in Immanuel’s hands.
Since before time, He spoke and said the Son would save sinners, and so He sought;
Truly, truly, He came for the unruly; take that and turn it over in your thoughts.

I could craft characters all day, create words for a century,
But hallowed praise from human lips fall short of His Highness;
Rather, I’ll resolve to resoundingly rave about this Remedy—
I’m initiated into grace, indebted to mercy, so I bless
The Suffering Servant and Sovereign Saviour of my soul,
Who took on flesh and traded His riches to be treated poorly to make me whole.

Now confident as His child, He claims me as His own;
He has promised to come back and take us with Him home.
Rest assured, He will right every wrong,
Inspect every inkling, and
Silence every tongue.

Don’t assume you can turn from your sins tomorrow,
Repent and believe, or risk an eternity of sorrow.

So come; contemplate the crucial nature of the cross;
His holy wrath is hastening, and at His judgment, humanity is at a loss.
Reason now, though un-righteous with sins as red as a rose,
Imputation of His righteousness makes us impeccably white as snow;
Sanctified—set apart—to Serve Him and to speak,
The truth in love, that He died for both the tyrant and for the weak.

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