His Beauty,
None can fathom.

No one can understand His unexplainable Mercy.
Like an endless river that never runs dry,
His Grace moves in our souls
To makes all things new.

His beauty is like an overflowing avalanche
Bursting out unending Love to dry places.
From eternity to eternity,
His beauty remains the same.

Yesterday, today and forevermore.

His beauty transcends from age to age.
With no spots or blemishes,
His Beauty is Perfect in all its ways.
It triumphs above all things the world could offer.

Our Ashes,
The very darkened state of our being.

From its origin; the fall,
We were born into it.
None of us could ever escape it,
Nor do we deserve it.

Like a wildfire, its spreads,
Contaminating the very being that was made to be pure.
Creating ruins leading to the wide path.

With no sense of direction,
We stray away.
And like ashes, all hopes are burnt to the ground.

His Beauty for Our Ashes,
His magnificent exchange.

A substitute like no other.
Taking our ruins in exchange for His Love,
Our sadness in exchange for joy.

Just like a light in a darkened tunnel,
His beauty pierces through our Hearts.
Taking us out of the bondage into Freedom.

This beautiful exchange makes all things new.
It gives us a second chance,
To live a life in His true beauty.
Bringing us back to the Father,
Our one True Love.

POEM Inspired by
Chris McClarney
‘Beauty for Ashes’




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