What would you do if you were told that a thief would come and rob your house at 9pm? What would you do if your doctor told you that you had 2 days to live?

I know what I would do…I will make sure that I take all my valuables with me (I don’t need nobody to tell me twice)and I will make sure that before those 2 days are up I am assured of my SALVATION.

Salvation is easy to conquer but we humans make it seem so hard. Let me help you to remember something, conquering salvation is not just once and saved forever, it is literally a daily battle to keep it secured until your very last breath or when Jesus comes back.

A lot of people don’t want to think about what happens after death, and decide to live life to the fullest without a care in the world. I tell you, thinking about where your soul will go is ideal, because when you are dead, you are dead, there are no more opportunities. Your opportunity is now; whilst you are alive that is.

In the bible in Mark 8:36 it says For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul  There is nothing more to understand from this verse other than Jesus highlighting that knowing where your soul will go is very important. It is not saying that we should become useless in this world but we need to fight for an excellent physical life but don’t forget that taking care of your soul is more important than anything else.

Where my soul will go my mind ponders

In time to sin everything is sound

But when I am by myself my mind wanders

At the accusations that is all around

The surest thing in life is death. It is inevitable

We will all encounter it whether we want to or not

The choices we make are daily. It is unstable

Making a decision to determine where we go should not remain as a thought.

Let your thought become actions, and your actions back your faith

Because faith without works is dead

James 2 vs 26

Don’t let this be a phase, let it stick in your head.

If you haven’t yet asked yourself this question then I suggest you do

‘Where will my soul go when I die’?

If you are sure that you will go to heaven then stick with this and improve your relationship with God, but if you are not sure at all then let your favourite read be the bible and your best friend be the Lord Jesus. When you combine this with your faith an assurance will come to you, one that no one can take away.

Sacrifice your time and spend at least a minute with your creator, the Lord Jesus. He waits.

P.S Loneliness is a sign of our soul crying out for some time with God.

Guest Contributor – Sarah Ogilo


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