Have you ever felt your life to be inadequate? You feel like a total failure; weak and unable to do the things you once dreamed a possibility. Sometimes it could the day to day challenges and demand of life that renders you useless and no good. Or it could be a word of discouragement said over you; making you feel unworthy that you begin to question your God given qualities.

Is this speaking to you right now? Perhaps you are reading this and you feel unsure to be called a child of God. You take a glance at your faith and all you see is a up and down walk with God. You want to live your life fully for God but, aware of your past failure and mistake, you take a step back into who you once were because you do not feel gifted enough to carry out God’s work.

I remember having this tense dialogue with myself on whether I was good enough or gifted enough to succeed at the work that I do. I would ponder on the numerous errors and mistakes I had done over my career thus far, wondering whether I was equipped enough to make it. I would feel discouraged and inadequate, allowing my past failures to shape the way I saw myself and who I was.


Unsaved and Worthless

Ephesians 2:1-3 speaks a lot about the consequences of the Fall of Man. For we were spiritually dead and separated from God due to our transgressions and sins (Ephesians 2:1). As a result of this, we became prone to the weakness of the flesh and the lies of the enemy. No longer were we spiritually alive and secured but now filled with passion of the flesh (Ephesians 2:3). Living according to our passions and the flesh makes us open to negative emotions and as a result we would sometimes get the feeling that our life is worthless and has no sense of purpose.


New Life in Jesus Christ

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life – John 3:16

Although we were formerly worthless, dead to sin and prone to the lies of the enemy; God, being rich in mercy has made us spiritually alive together with Christ Jesus. God showed His love for the world that He gave His only Son, so that whosoever believes and trust in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

What does this mean for you and I?

The life we live right now is not ours to own or to boast about. Its is free gift from God by which we are saved for freedom. We are set free from the wages of sin and in return are made new in Christ Jesus. Our life is no longer based on what we did or the failures and past mistakes we made. Our life is found in Christ Jesus who brought us out of darkness and into the light. For its not what we do that determines our life, but it is who we are that determines our life. This is a fundamental truth that is needed to live in this world.

Let us be encouraged that through our new found identity in Christ, we are strong enough to overcome every challenges we face. That we are more than adequate and capable to do ALL things and our life is more valuable and precious to God than we can ever imagine.


Gifted for God’s Workmanship

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them”Ephesians 2:10

Not only has Christ Jesus saved us from the wretch and bondage of our sins and inadequacy, but he has also created us for good works. The new life we live now is spiritually transformed, renewed and ready to be used by God. We all have key gifts or strengths which shore above every other qualities in us. It may be your awareness of people or your ability to teach or to encourage. We have all been created with a purpose to fulfil.

For some of you, it may not be straight forward to identify your gifts but do not lose heart. Be encouraged to ponder and pray to God on this question, “what is my key strength and gift?”  Don’t be afraid to share this question with your family and friends to be encouraged on what your are gifted at. And perhaps you may already know your gifts. Be reminded to embrace them with the fullness of life. Learn to cultivate and stir up the things God has placed in you. Because your life is a gift from God.


In Christ I AM totally secured. I am His workmanship , created for good works and I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.


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